By: Nelson Smith on July 3, 2015

Recently, I look a closer look at whether it was a better deal to rent or buy in Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary. Like that friend who just will not go home no matter how many times you hint about an early morning tomorrow, I’m keeping the party going. Today’s city: Ottawa.

By: Nelson Smith on July 2, 2015

When I was 10 years old, I was a staunch believer in ghosts, UFOs, and all sorts of other stuff that I’d scoff at today. Because of that, I was very concerned when I found out we were moving to a new house. My first question: “Has anybody died in the house?”

By: Martin Dasko on June 30, 2015

“I have to pay you cash because I don’t have a credit card at the moment.”

I was surprised when my buddy told me this before a trip. We were going away and the time came to pay for the trip. He couldn’t put his credit card down because he didn’t have one. This guy was always good with money, but something went wrong.

By: Martin Dasko on June 26, 2015

The biggest struggle for most students is to put together a few bucks for drinks on the weekend (or on a Tuesday afternoon). I’ve been through this process. I survived college and I never missed a party. I also graduated with grades that I was proud of. On top of all of this, I had money saved.

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By: Lindsey Boycott on June 24, 2015

Buying your first home is a big step. Up until this point, your biggest expense was probably your car, your education or maybe that sweet set of skis you bought last winter. Buying your first home is exciting and exhilarating, a brand new place of your very own. What’s not to love? No sleazy landlord, no binding leases, and no leaky toilet that never gets fixed.
