By: Martin Dasko on June 22, 2015

“Did you hear about that new app?”

You need to get the best tools on your side so that you can save money and move forward. I already know that you have Tinder and Instagram on your phone. Now you need some money apps so that you’re not always broke. It only makes sense to have the best tools on your side so that you can make your life easier.

By: Martin Dasko on June 19, 2015

Are you ready to watch some women’s soccer this summer? Will you be rooting for #TeamCanada?

I’ve been involved with soccer ever since I could walk. I played for over ten years in organized leagues year-round. I was a referee for five years as a summer student job. Then I was a driver for my youngest brother who excelled the most out of all of us. Now I’m here to write about soccer.

By: Tahnya Kristina on June 18, 2015

“Why would you buy running shoes in the winter?”

My father asked me this exact question when I was teenager. He has always been a practical man who asks whatever is on his mind. Growing up, I always knew that I couldn’t get away with much foolishness.

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By: Martin Dasko on June 11, 2015

If you drive, you know what a pain car expenses can be. You also know that you’re sick of public transportation and you never want to sit next to a random stranger with bad body odor again.

By: Nelson Smith on June 10, 2015

As the weather warms up and the days get longer, our days are filled with sports, barbeques, patio drinks, and other summery activities. And for some of us, it’s the perfect time to switch apartments. After all, who wants to move in the winter?
