By: Martin Dasko on July 16, 2015

You’re done with college. You’re finally free. You don’t have to worry about staying up all night to complete another essay. You’re never going to see that annoying professor again. You won’t have to put up with the guy who came late and ate lunch in class.

By: Martin Dasko on July 14, 2015

“I want to make more money, but nothing seems to be working. I’m fed up with being broke.”

A buddy of mine complained to me about his financial situation. He wanted to make more money and live a better life. I knew that he wasn’t really doing anything about this. Sure, it’s fun to post quotes online and to complain. It takes a lot of effort to actually do something.

By: Nelson Smith on July 10, 2015

These days, with global warming only being denied by right-wing nut-jobs and folks with tinfoil hats , it seems like everyone is worried about the environmental footprint of what they drive. And even though gas prices are down, this phenomenon looks poised to continue.

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By: Lindsey Boycott on July 9, 2015

When you’re trying to get the most out of your budget, sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by the almighty dollar. A lot of us will pass by things like the local produce aisle because it’s more expensive. And it’s true, most if it is more expensive. But there are a lot of pluses to spending the extra few dollars to buy local. Here are five of them:

By: Martin Dasko on July 8, 2015

“Do you really need to buy a whole new living room set?”

I asked the girl I was dating at the time this question. Yes, it led to an argument. I wasn’t in the mood for shopping all day and I certainly didn’t feel like assembling furniture.

By: Lindsey Boycott on July 6, 2015

So this is it. You’ve walked the stage and you’ve received your diploma. You are a freshly minted grad ready to take on the world. Congratulations! You’ve got some big decisions ahead of you.
