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Compare Sudbury car insurance rates and save more than 21%.*

31,412 Canadians

have compared rates and saved money over the last 24 hours

What our users say:

March 25
Had a great experience as of now
Had a great experience as of now Always trying to help me
March 24
The representatives are fantastic
The representatives are fantastic. Excellent experience!!
Kelsi MacIsaac
March 23
The people
The people. Polite, knowledgeable and had a customer service attitude.
David Campbell
March 22
Great Rate
Perfect at finding great rate. Only negative would be the wait time in the phone...
Ron Beauchamp
March 21
Efficiency and Trust worthy
Efficiency and Trust worthy, Excellent customer care and hardworking staffs.
Randy Nyeche woluchor
March 20
EXcellent service while obtaining quote
EXcellent service while obtaining quote
harvey scott
March 18
Useful information can be found
Useful information can be found
Sadoum Tim
March 18
Very helpful and friendly.
Very helpful and friendly.
Larry Haynes
March 18
They listen and also give you great…
They listen and also give you great suggestions.
Ahmed Bottan
March 18
Very skilled and intelligent.
Answer all my questions and concerns. Very knowledgeable.
Barry John
March 18
Bad at first but great in the end ...
The first broker I spoke with over promised and under delivered. He was supposed...
Robert Murray
March 17
Friendly staff
Friendly staff
Bryan Chase
March 17
Quick , Easy and derfinite
Douglas Bailey
March 17
Got back to me in a great amount of…
Got back to me in a great amount of time; however, the rate is the same so might...
nancy martin
March 17
The customer service is excellent

How comparing auto insurance quotes works. Hint: it’s free!


Next, we’ll show you quotes from 50+ Canadian providers. It’s free, with no commitment.


When you find the best quote, secure your Sudbury auto insurance rate by talking to a licensed broker or agent.

We can help you find cheap car insurance in Sudbury.

No matter where you drive in Sudbury, you need the right auto insurance. We can help. shops the Canadian car insurance market for you so that you can find cheap auto insurance in Sudbury.

We’ll show you multiple quotes from Canada’s top car insurance companies serving Sudbury, so you’ll be able to see who’s offering you the insurance coverage you want for the best price. Next, we’ll connect you with the Sudbury car insurance broker who can secure your new (cheaper) rate.

Drivers in Sudbury get the best quotes from the top insurers in just minutes with Let us help you find a more affordable car insurance rate in Sudbury.

Front view of a car. Illustration.

See how our customers in Sudbury save big on auto insurance.

CustomerLocationVehicleLowest rateAverage rateSaved
Quote from March 25, 2025
Female, 29 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate
Quote from March 25, 2025
Male, 23 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate
Quote from March 25, 2025
Female, 33 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate

Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

Focus on

Driving in Sudbury.

Most popular cars in Sudbury.

Based on data, these are the most popular brands in Sudbury:

Popular Brands

  1. Honda
  2. Chevrolet
  3. Toyota
  4. Nissan
  5. Ford

Who shops for auto insurance in Sudbury?

Two-thirds of our auto insurance shoppers from Sudbury are male. That's similar to our findings in other Ontario cities:

Gender of our users


Average Age


years old

Tickets & Accidents

Have Tickets
Have Had Accidents

What can I do to get cheap car insurance in Sudbury?

It's easy — if you know how. Here are some of the best ways to lower your auto insurance premiums:

Shop around

We'll show you the most competitive rates from all the top insurers. Now you can compare quotes all in one place.

Buy the right coverage

Avoiding extra frills in your policy and paying for only the coverage you need will lower your premiums.

Drive responsibly

Your driving record impacts your rate. Fewer infractions and fines equals cheaper insurance.

Pay on time

Prompt payments can save you money on late fees and lower your premiums. Insurers love a good customer.

Bundle up

Adding a house, motorcycle, RV, or other type of insurance policy to your car insurance plan can lower your rates.

Be safe, not sorry

Safety features like winter tires and alarm systems can help reduce your insurance premium.

Stick with one insurer

Most auto insurance companies give special discounts to customers who stay with them for a number of years.

Take a course

A defensive driving course makes you a better driver and can significantly reduce your car insurance premiums.

Keep driving

The math is clear: more experience on the road equals lower car insurance premiums. Young drivers almost universally pay higher rates for car insurance. While it’s difficult for new drivers to secure cheap car insurance rates, you may be able to lower your rates by maintaining good grades and attending driving school.

Look at location

Where you drive affects your premiums. Some areas are associated with higher rates of car accidents and theft.

Choose the right car

Cars with high crash-test scores, low theft ratings, and less powerful engines tend to have cheaper insurance rates.

Track your driving

With a usage-based car insurance policy, you can turn your low-risk driving habits into lower premiums.

Your questions about driving in Sudbury, answered.

How much is car insurance in Sudbury?

According to our data, the average price of car insurance in Sudbury is higher than what the Insurance Bureau of Canada states is the Ontario average ($1,505).

If you’re trying to estimate your Sudbury car insurance costs, we recommend applying for quotes instead of looking at average prices.

Since averages include outliers — drivers who spend very little on car insurance and drivers who spend a lot — there’s a good chance that you’ll pay less than the Sudbury or Ontario average. This is especially true if you have a strong driving and insurance history.

Plus, the average auto insurance policy isn’t representative of the kind of coverage you might need. You may want more insurance coverage (accident benefits, for example) and this will affect the price of your premium.

During the quoting process, you’ll be asked about your unique driving habits and history, and will also ask you what kind of coverage you think you need, which will provide a more accurate picture of what your Sudbury car insurance costs will be.

Similarly, car insurance calculators for Sudbury don’t provide accurate estimates, either. Calculators don’t require enough detail about your driving and insurance profile.

Car insurance is too personalized a product to rely on imprecise calculations to guide your decision. The best way to estimate your costs is to apply for quotes.

Which Sudbury postal code has the highest average premiums?

The Sudbury postal code with the highest average car insurance premium is the P3C region, located just west of the city’s downtown, according to data. This zone encompasses the neighbourhoods of Gatchell, Little Britain, the Donovan, Flour Mill and Cambrian Heights.

Which Sudbury postal code has the lowest average premiums?

According to data, the Sudbury postal code with the lowest average car insurance premium is the P3B region. This area encompasses the neighbourhoods of Algo, Brodie, Minnow Lake, and Adamsdale.

How do Sudbury car insurance rates compare to other cities in Ontario?

Sudbury’s average car insurance rate is slightly higher than the averages in surrounding communities, according to our data. We benchmarked the premiums for the following cities to Sudbury’s average premium.

  1. Timmins: 8% lower
  2. North Bay: 9% lower
  3. Sault Ste.St. Marie: 11% lower
  4. Elliot Lake: 15% lower

Where do I get the cheapest car insurance quotes in Sudbury?

There isn’t one car insurance company that offers cheap auto insurance quotes to every Sudbury driver that applies for a policy.

Car insurance premiums are highly customized products, tailored to your driving history.

If finding cheaper auto insurance rates in Sudbury is your goal, we recommend focusing on de-risking yourself by being a safe driver. But, finding the cheapest auto insurance quotes in Sudbury requires one more thing.

The next step is to compare car insurance quotes in advance of your policy renewal date. Different car insurance companies offer different rates. We can help you find a car insurance company serving Sudbury that can offer you a lower rate.

Car insurance rates for Sudbury seniors

Adults between the ages of 50 and 70 pay some of the lowest car insurance rates in Sudbury. After age 70, you might see your rate begin to increase. If this happens to you, it may be time to shop around for new automobile insurance in Sudbury.

Car insurance rates for Sudbury students

Car insurance for new drivers in Sudbury is expensive, due to new drivers lacking a driving track record. Here are some strategies new drivers can try right now to trim the price of your car insurance rates in Sudbury:

  • Get on your parents’ insurance instead of getting your own policy.
  • Apply for discounts; students who maintain a good GPA receive car insurance discounts.
  • Complete a driver’s education course and share the news with your insurance company.

It can be challenging for new drivers to find cheap car insurance in Sudbury. However, we’ve found that the demographic that finds the most savings on are young drivers — the more you’re expected to pay, the more dramatic the savings you can find when you compare Sudbury car insurance quotes.

Sudbury car insurance rates for new immigrants

If you’ve recently immigrated to Ontario, you must trade in your licence from the country you’ve emigrated from within 60 days for an Ontario driver’s license.

The provincial government recognizes licences from several countries as equivalent to an Ontario license, which will spare you from going through Ontario’s graduated licencing system.

Ask your old insurance company to provide a reference to your new Ontario insurer. If you can prove that you have a history of being insured, it will reduce your car insurance costs.

Sudbury car insurance rates for high-risk drivers

It’s very hard to find cheap car insurance in Sudbury as a high-risk driver but there are insurance companies that cater to high-risk drivers. Failing that, you can purchase facility insurance, which is a pool that is funded by Canadian insurance companies to offer coverage to high-risk drivers.

Other tips on how to save on car insurance in Sudbury

  • Buy snow tires. Most insurance companies offer discounts for doing so. Harsh winters and tons of snow make snow tires a must for safe driving in Sudbury.
  • Join a telematics program. Sudbury roadways are less crowded than ones in Southern Ontario, so there’s ample temptation to speed. A telematics program can prevent you from developing bad driving habits. By joining a telematics program, you give your insurance company permission to monitor the quality of your driving via a smartphone app. The reward for practicing defensive driving is a reduction in your car insurance premium at renewal.
  • Sudbury drivers have to contend with snow, fog, and wildlife on the road — all of which increase the risk of car accidents. Keeping your car insurance history claims and accidents-free will help your car insurance rates shrink over time.
Alexandra Bosanac

Alexandra Bosanac

About the Author

Alexandra Bosanac is the Core Content Manager for Her reporting has appeared in Canadian Business, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the CBC.

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*Shoppers in Sudbury, Ontario, who obtained a quote on from January to December 2023 saved an average of $511 per year. The average savings represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third-lowest quoted premiums generated by