Ontario car insurance calculator.

Find how much you’ll pay each month with our Ontario car insurance calculator.

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March 26
Cassie is a fantastic representative…
Cassie is a fantastic representative she got back to me and covered all the deta...
Alex Stevens
March 25
Had a great experience as of now
Had a great experience as of now Always trying to help me
March 24
The representatives are fantastic
The representatives are fantastic. Excellent experience!!
Kelsi MacIsaac
March 23
The people
The people. Polite, knowledgeable and had a customer service attitude.
David Campbell
March 22
Great Rate
Perfect at finding great rate. Only negative would be the wait time in the phone...
Ron Beauchamp
March 21
Efficiency and Trust worthy
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Randy Nyeche woluchor
March 20
EXcellent service while obtaining quote
EXcellent service while obtaining quote
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March 18
Useful information can be found
Useful information can be found
Sadoum Tim
March 18
Very helpful and friendly.
Very helpful and friendly.
Larry Haynes
March 18
They listen and also give you great…
They listen and also give you great suggestions.
Ahmed Bottan
March 18
Very skilled and intelligent.
Answer all my questions and concerns. Very knowledgeable.
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March 18
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The first broker I spoke with over promised and under delivered. He was supposed...
Robert Murray
March 17
Friendly staff
Friendly staff
Bryan Chase
March 17
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Douglas Bailey
March 17
Got back to me in a great amount of…
Got back to me in a great amount of time; however, the rate is the same so might...
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March 17
The customer service is excellent

How comparing auto insurance quotes works. Hint: it’s free!


Next, we’ll show you quotes from 50+ Canadian providers. It’s free, with no commitment.


When you find the best quote, secure your Ontario auto insurance rate by talking to a licensed broker or agent.

Front view of a car. Illustration.

See how our customers with collision coverage save big on auto insurance.

CustomerLocationVehicleLowest rateAverage rateSaved
Quote from March 28, 2025
Male, 35 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate
Quote from March 28, 2025
Male, 32 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate
Quote from March 28, 2025
Female, 51 years old
Lowest Rate
Average Rate

Auto insurance quotes are compared from CAA, Coachman Insurance Company, Economical Insurance, Gore Mutual, Pafco, Pembridge, SGI, Travelers, Zenith Insurance Company

Use the Ontario car insurance calculator to save money

Wondering how much you should be paying for car insurance?

Drivers can get a car insurance estimate with our calculator in Ontario by entering their postal code above and clicking on the ‘Get Started’ button.

Now,  here's what makes the LowestRates.ca car insurance calculator different.

Our calculator shops the market for you and finds the lowest car insurance rate in our virtual marketplace (and we've partnered with Canada's leading car insurance companies and brokers). We’ll then help you lock in your new policy with the car insurance company of your choice. 

The key to finding savings on LowestRates.ca is preparation. Our car insurance calculator needs some information about you and the car you’re looking to insure. Here’s a preview of the questions you’ll encounter:

  • Your age and gender
  • The make and model of your car
  • Your current license level and the month and year you received it
  • Your previous licence and the month and year you received it (if applicable)
  • If you’ve had an at-fault claim in the last 10 years
  • Plus a few more to help get you the most accurate price

Why do you need to provide these details? Our vehicle insurance calculator requires Ontario drivers to answer these questions in order to provide an accurate estimate of the cost of your car insurance policy. Generally speaking, the more questions asked and answered accurately, the more accurate the quote.

Keep reading for a more comprehensive breakdown of how our calculator works. We’ve included some tips on how to get the most out of your quoting experience.

Every car insurance company determines the price of premiums differently so why not compare insurance quotes to find the lowest rate and save some money? By using LowestRates.ca free no-obligation car insurance calculator in Ontario, Canada drivers can save hundreds of dollars annually on car insurance. In some cases, you can even purchase a policy fully online without speaking with an agent.

Ontario car insurance calculator instructions

ON car insurance calculator overview

Ontario’s car insurance estimator is divided into three stages:

  1. Vehicle information
  2. Driver information
  3. Discount information

The best way to find the most accurate car insurance rate with our calculator as an Ontario driver is to verify all of the information you’re providing so that you know it’s accurate.

Below, we’ll walk you through how to answer the questions in each section so that you find the lowest rate and save on your car insurance premiums.

Step 1: Vehicle information

The first step of the calculation process requires some basic information about your vehicle.

Based on the make and model, insurance companies can determine how much it will cost to insure it. Factors include the likelihood of theft, the cost of repairs, and the overall safety record of the car. Insurance companies can also predict the likelihood your car will be written off as a total loss.

When you apply for a car insurance policy, you will be asked about the car you want to insure. Here’s what you’ll be asked:

  • Vehicle year
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Whether the vehicle is leased
  • Vehicle purchase date
  • Whether the vehicle has winter tires
  • Where the vehicle is parked overnight
  • The primary use of the vehicle
  • How many kilometres are driven to work or school one way (each day)
  • The total number of kilometres driven each year
  • Whether you would like your insurance to include comprehensive and/or collision coverage

Tips on how to answer these questions

  • Make sure you know the exact make and model of your vehicle
  • Find out the exact number of kilometres you drive
  • Excluding comprehensive car insurance from our comparison calculator tool in Ontario will save you money. But this type of insurance may be a good option if you can’t pay out of pocket expenses because it entitles you to a cash settlement if your car is declared a total loss

Step 2: Driver information

The second section of our car insurance calculator asks you to enter some details about yourself — the driver of the car that’s going to be insured.

Insurance companies rely on demographic data to estimate risk probabilities. Insurance companies need to figure out who is most likely to get into an accident and file a claim (which the insurance company will need to pay).

You’ll be asked to enter:

  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender
  • Your marital status
  • Your employment status
  • Your licence level and the date which you were first licenced
  • The month and year you received your G licence
  • Whether you've ever previously held a full licence elsewhere in Canada or the U.S.
  • The date you were first listed as a driver on an insurance policy in Canada or the U.S.
  • How long you've been with your current insurance company
  • Whether an insurance company has cancelled your coverage within the last three years
  • If you've had any time without insurance coverage within the last three years
  • If you've had any suspensions within the last three years
  • Whether you’ve ever been at-fault for a car accident
  • If you've had any tickets (excluding parking tickets) within in the last three years

If a second driver is going to be using the vehicle, our form lets you add a secondary driver. Just click the ‘Add Driver’ tab on the page and add the details about their driving history too.

Tips on how to answer these questions:

  • If you’ve ever been found at-fault even if you're partially to blame for a car accident, you need to answer ‘yes.’ The insurance company will verify that you’ve answered these questions truthfully. Lying on an insurance application can result in severe penalties including fraud charges, paying more for auto insurance or your auto insurer could cancel your policy.
  • Parking tickets are not traffic tickets. Tickets for speeding, running red lights, and careless driving are some examples of traffic tickets. Insurance companies will look at historical reports to verify that you’re being truthful about your past.

Step 3: Discount information

In the last section, we’ll ask you questions to see if you're eligible for additional discounts. Discounts can help lower your car insurance premium quotes and ultimately save you money.

Be prepared to answer the following:

  • Whether you plan on bundling multiple policies (e.g. home, tenant, or condo insurance) with the same company (up to a 10-15% discount).
  • Whether you are a member of CAA (up to an additional 20%)
  • Whether you would install an app on your phone that scores your driving habits (up to a 30%).

Tips on how to answer these questions

Combining various insurance products with one insurance company is a great way to save, but make sure to speak to your agent or broker about any other discounts you may be eligible for. There are lots of other discounts available to drivers than we can include in our car insurance estimate calculator. In Ontario, discounts for installing winter tires, being a retiree, being a student, or having multiple vehicles are available. Speak to your agent or broker about these or any other discounts your new car insurance company offers.

Bonus savings tips:

  • Many insurance companies reward loyalty. If you stay with your same insurance company for three or four years and don’t have an at-fault accident during that time, you could be eligible for a discount of 5% to 20% when it comes time for your policy to renew.
  • If you’re not yet a member of CAA yet but are thinking about joining now that you know about the discount, check the box anyway. To be eligible for this discount, notify your insurance company that you have not applied for CAA membership but will join before the policy is activated.

More Ontario car insurance calculator questions

How to calculate car insurance rates in Ontario and save money

The monthly cost of car insurance in Ontario varies. Insurance companies assess a number of factors before they can provide your auto insurance rate. The following variables are used to calculate your car insurance premium in Ontario:

  • Your driving experience. The number of years you've been driving, as well as your license level, will affect your rates. A full Ontario G licence and a decade or more of insurance and driving history will help you secure a lower rate.
  • Your driving record. Any driving convictions on your record (including if you’re caught driving without the minimum auto insurance coverage required by law) will have a negative effect on your car insurance rates. At-fault accidents, speeding tickets, distracted driving tickets, impaired or reckless driving will make you a high-risk driver in the eyes of an insurance company. High-risk drivers face higher auto insurance rates. According to LowestRates.ca data, an Ontario driver would see a 15% increase in their car insurance premium after their first conviction. After the second conviction, an Ontario driver would see a 27% increase in their insurance premium.
  • Your age and gender. Across all age groups, men often pay higher insurance rates than women in Ontario. Car insurance is even more expensive for young drivers. Ontario teenagers can use our car insurance calculator to save money. LowestRates.ca data shows that the more you’re expected to pay, the larger the savings you can find by comparing rates. One good piece of news? The cost of car insurance declines for the average driver as they get older.
  • Where you live. Generally speaking, residents in cities like Brampton, North York, Mississauga, Scarborough and Toronto pay more than drivers in rural areas. Big cities tend to have more cars on the road, which means more accidents. On top of this, urban areas have higher crime rates, meaning more opportunities for theft. This all results in higher insurance premiums.
  • The type of vehicle you drive. Did you know some models and makes of cars are more expensive to insure than others? If you happen to drive a vehicle that's frequently stolen you could be required to pay a higher premium. To save money we suggest you call your insurance provider before you invest in a car to find out how much it would cost to insure.
  • How you use your vehicle. Insurance companies also determine your insurance premium based on how often you drive. They do this by examining the number of kilometres you drive per year. Our Ontario car insurance premium calculator will automatically generate your annual mileage (you’ll still need to provide an estimate of how much you drive one-way each day). Furthermore, if you use your vehicle for business, many car insurance companies expect you to purchase commercial coverage, which is more expensive than personal auto insurance. LowestRates.ca only provides quotes for personal car insurance.
  • How much coverage you need. Typically, the lower your coverage amount, the lower your premium because you're agreeing to take on more liability. If you want to save money, you can opt for a higher deductible and/or consider removing add ons that are not mandatory.

The average cost of car insurance in Ontario

Ontario has the second-highest average auto insurance costs in the entire country, with British Columbia leading the pack. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), the average car insurance policy in Ontario costs $1,505 per year.

Looking at averages alone is not useful and not an accurate estimate for the cost of your insurance premiums. That’s why we encourage drivers in Ontario to use our auto insurance calculator to get the most accurate quotes and save money.

Mandatory car insurance coverages in Ontario

Ontario has a no-fault insurance system, meaning it's mandatory for drivers to carry $200,000 in third-party liability insurance for their vehicles. Without the minimum amount of coverage, drivers can't register their vehicles.

A basic insurance policy in Ontario also includes coverage for medical services and damage to your vehicle.

Accident benefits

These are the medical benefits that come with a standard auto insurance policy:

  • Up to $3,500 per person for injuries that are deemed minor.
  • Up to $65,000 per person for combined medical and attendant care for serious, but not catastrophic, injuries for up to five years.
  • Up to $1 million for combined medical and attendant care for catastrophic injuries.

Direct compensation property damage coverage (DCPD)

It's also mandatory for drivers in Ontario to have direct compensation property damage (DCPD) coverage. DCPD covers any damage to your vehicle caused by a third-party. Even if someone else damages your car, you collect benefits from your own insurance company.  If you were 100% not at-fault for a collision, you do not have to pay your deductible to access your benefit. DCPD is automatically included in a basic policy.

Optional car insurance coverages in Ontario

In Ontario, there are five types of optional coverages you can purchase if you think you’ll need them.

Collision insurance

Collision insurance covers the cost of replacing or repairing your vehicle if it’s damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object or rollover and you are at fault for the accident. This type of insurance provides compensation to be put towards a new vehicle if yours is damaged in an accident.

Comprehensive insurance

Provides coverage for losses or damage to your vehicle caused by things other than car accidents or a collision: a fallen tree, weather events, explosions, or theft and vandalism, for instance.

Specified perils coverage

Covers the cost of damage from fire; theft or attempted theft; lightning; windstorms; hail; water; earthquakes; explosions; civil unrest, and damage during transport.

All-perils coverage

Provides broad coverage, a combination of collision and comprehensive insurance.

Uninsured motorist coverage

Provides some financial compensation to drivers involved in an accident with an uninsured or unidentified motorist, for example in the case of a hit-and-run driver.

Other tips on how to save on car insurance in Ontario

Use public transportation. Consider taking advantage of local public transportation in order to save money. The costs associated with owning a car, especially in urban areas, can add up. If a driver uses their car occasionally, they can opt into a no-frills policy which will result in cheaper premiums.

Join a telematics program. Installing a telematics device in your vehicle allows insurance companies to monitor your driving habits and reward you with discounts of up to 20% for good driving behaviour. Typically the way telematics work is, the safer your driving habits are, the higher your discount will be therefore helping you save money on your auto insurance.

Obey Ontario traffic laws. A bad driving record with traffic violations and offences marks you as high-risk and will translate into higher premiums. Safe, cautious driving typically means insurance companies will reward you with lower premiums and you can save money.

Alexandra Bosanac

Alexandra Bosanac

About the Author

Alexandra Bosanac is the Core Content Manager for LowestRates.ca. Her reporting has appeared in Canadian Business, the Toronto Star, the National Post, and the CBC.

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