By: Cliff Ritter on May 11, 2014
Meet Laura who submitted a list of money saving tips she learned from her mother as a young girl.  Laura’s advice is an excellent checklist for households to ensure they remain on budget, and live within their means.

By: Cliff Ritter on May 11, 2014

Meet Beth who submitted a story from her past describing how her mother’s advice taught her a valuable lesson about money.  Sometimes we may feel like we need something that catches our eye, but if we commit to save enough money before buying the item, we may find we lost interest in the item.

By: Lucy Zemljic on May 8, 2014

Remember that 90’s sci-fi flick Total Recall, where Arnold Schwarzenegger takes a ride in a driverless taxi? Or that scene in I, Robot, where Will Smith relaxes behind the wheel of his self-driving car as it speeds through futuristic traffic?

Well, the future is near, and that means driverless cars are no longer just a thing of science fiction. Google has driverless technology moving ahead at full speed with the Google Chauffeur, and traditional automakers like Ford and GM have teamed up with researchers to be part of the game.

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By: Lucy Zemljic on April 28, 2014

For many people, the decision to use credit cards is a no-brainer. Given the option of only-paper-forever or only plastic, many of us would surely cling to our MasterCards and Visas. In a society that’s become more and more dependent on credit cards, there are a few basic questions that seem to crop up a lot, and perhaps none more so than “how many is too many?”

By: Lucy Zemljic on April 25, 2014

Earlier in the week, we covered the ins-and-outs of secured credit cards, and how they can help you get a fresh start on your finances. While that option may work well for someone new to the workforce or recovering from a personal bankruptcy, it doesn’t really help you if you’re wading through debt left over from other cards. That’s where a low balance transfer credit card can come in handy.
