By: Martin Dasko on May 12, 2015

It’s playoff season. That means that every game means so much more and every single player is going to do whatever it takes to win. The games are more intense. More risks are taken. There’s more passion involved in everything. You don’t want to miss a playoff game. I’m not even a big sports fan and I enjoy watching playoff action when I can.

By: Lindsey Boycott on May 11, 2015

Buying a car is a big expense – especially if you’re doing business with a dealership. Personally, I don’t mind buying from a dealership. They are more expensive but if there’s a big problem, they tend to be a lot easier to find than a private seller. But not everything from a dealership is a great idea. Generally when you’re buying a brand-new or second-hand car, the dealer is going to offer you to some upgrades to help protect your new purchase. And what’s a few hundred dollars when you just spent many thousands? If you want to protect your new purchase, avoid the upgrades and become more car care aware:

By: Tahnya Kristina on May 8, 2015

Happy Friday. It's two days until Mother's Day so let me ask you a question, what did you get your mom? All week we've been saluting mothers around the world because here at Lowest Rates we're big fans of moms. Just in case you're a last minute shopper we have some great gift ideas from DIY gifts to awesome gifts under $25. So if you're looking for last minute gift ideas this is where it's at.

By: Tahnya Kristina on May 7, 2015

When the news about the Nepal earthquake hit social media our staff (like many other people) were saddened and shocked by this terrible tragedy. We've kept up to date on the rescue efforts and have been sharing information on both Facebook and Twitter in case you're looking for a way to lend a helping hand.

By: Tahnya Kristina on May 6, 2015

Editor's note: Please welcome Sarah from She's here today sharing all the good pieces of life and financial advice she learned from her mom. Sometimes we take words of wisdom from our parents for granted and sometimes we don't realize just how valuable their advice is until we get other. Hopefully our moms good advice makes us better people and for that we want to say thank you!

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By: Nelson Smith on May 4, 2015

If you’re buying a house in a popular Canadian city such as Toronto or Vancouver, you’re most likely going to have to deal with the dreaded multiple offer situation. If this happens to you the smart thing to do is politely bow out, otherwise it could end up costing you big time.

By: Lindsey Boycott on May 1, 2015

Mother’s day is coming and it’s time to buy a card, make brunch reservations and make sure the grandparents are invited to the celebrations. But it’s much more than a day to exchange gifts and make conversation with the family, it’s a time to reflect on what mother’s day actually means. When I think about what my mom has done for me, I think about how she’s helped me become the person I am today. Here are some ways that my mom helped me learn more about money:

By: Martin Dasko on April 30, 2015

“We can’t afford those new shoes right now.”

I really wanted new Nike shoes as a kid. I thought that if I begged enough, my mom would buy them for me. I didn’t realize that the reason I couldn’t have the shows was because my parents couldn’t buy us food if they bought all three boys a $100 pair of shoes each. Looking back, I feel bad for being such a punk as a kid.

By: Tahnya Kristina on April 29, 2015

Editor's Note: Good morning. We have a special guest for you today. Michelle from Budget Bloggess is here sharing her favourite frugal Mother's Day gift ideas. So often we think finding the perfect gift is about how much money we spend - and that's just not true. When it comes to Mother's Day gift ideas it really is the thought that counts. Please welcome Michelle to the blog and be sure to share your favourite gift ideas on our Facebook page.
