By: Martin Dasko on May 26, 2015

Can you make money by driving people?

I officially started driving for Uber on May 8th as an experiment to see if driving folks around would be a profitable business venture. If you’ve been following the news, you know that Uber and other companies are now allowing drive sharing services. The passenger saves money and a regular person is allowed to become a driver for profit. You have to pass the background check and go through the screening. Then you’re in.


By: Lindsey Boycott on May 25, 2015

Do you flip through House & Home magazine and make grand plans for your own home? Do you want to update your home so you can update the price when you sell? While this can be a great way to increase the value of your home, you want to make sure you’re getting the best return on your investment. Here are four renovations to sidestep if you want to save money:

By: Martin Dasko on May 22, 2015

“Can you come by with coffee in 20 minutes?”

My good friend Robert invited me over one Sunday morning. I thought that this was a strange offer. Why would I go there first thing in the morning? Did he have some wild Saturday night stories for me?

By: Lindsey Boycott on May 21, 2015

Are you a soccer mom? Do you want a vehicle that can ride like a dream and roll with the punches? You need convenience, cargo space and a safety rating that would make a semi truck jealous. Well, we have the lowdown on 2015's best mini vans for you and your family.


By: Tahnya Kristina on May 20, 2015

Good morning. We have exciting news today. If you follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook you may have already seen our #LRSummerIntern Challenge and just in case you didn't I'm going to tell you all about it.

By: Lindsey Boycott on May 19, 2015

May is breast cancer awareness month. It's estimated that 1 in 9 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some time in her life. Whether you know someone personally or have read about Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a double mastectomy, supporting breast cancer means supporting a cause that goes beyond the women diagnosed with it. It’s about the men and women battling breast cancer, their family and friends, and the communities that support them. Here are five ways you can help support the cause:

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By: Martin Dasko on May 18, 2015

Are you excited for the summer?

You work hard and often don’t get enough playtime during the week. Chances are that you look forward to your long weekends because you finally get to let loose. The summer only offers us a few long weekends, so we might as well take advantage of them. The only problem is that sometimes we get carried away on these weekends and spend too much money. It’s easy to spend money because we get lost in the moment. It happens to me all of the time.

By: Nelson Smith on May 15, 2015

Most mortgages are pretty simple. You borrow the cash using the house as collateral, and slowly pay it back over the next 25 years. By now, we all know the drill.


By: Martin Dasko on May 14, 2015

“Why would you buy a new car? It’s such a waste of money. Just buy something used and fix it up.”

My Uncle Jack gave my father grief for buying a new car. My dad used to always buy used, until one day he realized that it was such a better idea to buy a brand new car. Ever since then he has only purchased brand new cars and he hasn’t looked back since.
