By: Martin Dasko on December 2, 2015

winter travelI don’t know about you, but I love going away in the winter. As soon as I see snow on the ground, I start planning a quick escape so that I can go hang out in the sun somewhere and work on my tan.

By: Miranda Marquit on December 1, 2015

My holiday spiritThe holidays are the perfect time of year to enjoy family and friends – and get into the spirit of giving. We want to know how you celebrate the holidays, whether you observe Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the winter solstice, or really, really get into New Year’s Eve.

By: Miranda Marquit on November 27, 2015

If you haven’t already seen the first snowfall of the year, chances are that you will see it soon. You want to get your home ready for winter before things get too cold. Preparing your home is good practice. Not only is it good for your home, but it can also save you money.

By: Vin Heney on November 27, 2015

If you follow our blog, you probably already know that November is Financial Literacy Month. A time to get savvy about your spending and get smart about your future. Seeing that we’re in the business of saving Canadians time and money, it’s kind of our favourite month of the year.

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By: Tahnya Kristina on November 25, 2015

Black Friday shoppingBlack Friday marks one of the biggest days for deal finders and savvy shoppers alike - some even say it's bigger than Boxing Day. Traditionally Black Friday has always been celebrated by our American friends after their Thanksgiving, but in recent years the shopping frenzy has crossed north into Canada.
