By: Nelson Smith on December 15, 2015

5 Reasons Your Credit MattersCredit scores definitely aren’t a sexy part of personal finance. It’s easy to get excited about paying off debt or hitting new net worth milestones. The only time someone cares about their credit score is when they’re applying for a mortgage.

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By: Kyle Prevost on December 7, 2015

Understanding Your First MortgageMortgage contracts rank right up there with the cell phone provider’s terms and conditions on most people’s reading list.

Unfortunately, as the document that controls the purchase and security of the largest asset you will likely ever own – your house – an understanding of your mortgage contract is essential to feeling confident in your overall financial well-being.

By: Martin Dasko on December 4, 2015

Winter Car MaintenanceIf you live in Canada, you know how awful the winter season can be for your car. You also know how important it is to drive in the winter because you don’t want to be stuck walking to the bus stop when the snow is up to your ankles and you have to be at work by 8 a.m. I spent far too many winter seasons commuting to school in the snow – and I hated every minute of it.
