12 auto insurance discounts you should know about

Winter tires. Telematics. Bundling. There are lots of ways you can save on your auto insurance.

12 home insurance discounts that can help you save money

Everything from paying an annual lump sum to bundling to paying off your mortgage.

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Collision Car

Compare insurance quotes & find the lowest collision auto insurance rate. Get the cheapest coverage for your vehicle today! Instant. Online. Free.

33,784 Canadians

have compared rates and saved money over the last 24 hours

How comparing collision auto insurance quotes works. Hint: it’s free!


Next, we’ll show you quotes from 50+ Canadian providers. It’s free, with no commitment.

Front view of a car. Illustration.

See how our customers with collision coverage save big on auto insurance.

Frequently asked questions about collision car insurance coverage in Canada.

Is collision insurance required in Canada?

In most of Canada, collision, unlike liability or accident benefits, is not a mandatory coverage.

Auto insurance news

*Shoppers in Canada who obtained an auto insurance quote on LowestRates.ca from January to December 2023 saved an average  of 23%. The average savings percentage represents the difference between the shoppers’ average lowest quoted premium and the average of the second and third lowest quoted premiums generated by LowestRates.ca.

Rental Car

Compare insurance quotes and find the lowest rental car insurance rate. Get the cheapest coverage for your vehicle today. Instant. Online. Free.

33,784 Canadians

have compared rates and saved money over the last 24 hours

How comparing auto insurance quotes works. Hint: it’s free!


Next, we’ll show you quotes from 50+ Canadian providers. It’s free, with no commitment.

Front view of a car. Illustration.

See how our customers with collision coverage save big on auto insurance.

Your questions about rental auto insurance, answered.

What is rental car insurance?

Rental auto insurance covers drivers for any damage to a rental car as well as theft and bodily injury.

Auto insurance news

How to maximize a mortgage: Seven financial experts weigh in

We reached out to financial experts and asked them for advice on navigating these crucial decisions given the current economic climate.

I used my white-passing middle name to get an apartment — and it worked

Exotic Car Insurance

Compare insurance quotes to find the lowest exotic car insurance rate. Get the cheapest coverage for your vehicle today. Instant. Online. Free.

33,784 Canadians

have compared rates and saved money over the last 24 hours

How comparing auto insurance quotes works. Hint: it’s free!


Next, we’ll show you quotes from 50+ Canadian providers. It’s free, with no commitment.

Front view of a car. Illustration.

See how our customers with collision coverage save big on auto insurance.

Your questions about exotic car insurance, answered.

What is exotic car insurance?

Auto insurance news
