What you need to know about U.S. dollar credit cards

Shopping in the United States is so much better than shopping in Canada. Not only are there more stores and products available, but the prices are lower than in Canada. Unfortunately, a lot of that price difference is caused by the exchange rate.

How the VW Dieselgate settlement affects you

One of the biggest scandals in automotive history came to light last year when regulators discovered that Volkswagen’s “clean” TDI diesel engines emitted way more harmful pollutants in regular road conditions than they did in testing situations. The company has been paying for it ever since, but now they’ve finally approved a plan that will put the matter to rest.

5 Tips for driving in the GTA

Have you been on the roads in the Greater Toronto Area lately? Are you a new driver in the Toronto area?

B.C. puts tax on foreign real estate buyers

After years of unending price growth and complaints of foreign (mostly Chinese) nationals buying up all the desirable real estate in Vancouver, the provincial government is finally addressing it.

Is term life insurance the right choice for you?

The world of life insurance is a complicated place. Many people try to get insurance on their own, but ultimately fail as they get bogged down by all the lingo and differing products.

Toronto startup aims to be like Uber for car repair

Taking care of your car not only makes for a better driving experience, it’s also a good way to preemptively save money on your car insurance. So one Toronto entrepreneur figured it’s time to disrupt the auto service business the way Uber did the taxi industry.

5 Insurance policies you need to protect your assets

Many of us chafe at the idea of buying insurance. It seems like a waste to pay a premium for something that might not even be used. However, the reality is that insurance in Canada is designed to protect you against the chance that something goes terribly wrong.

Honda developing talking cars that read your emotions

If cars that truly drive themselves still sounds like science fiction, SoftBank Corp. and Honda Motor Co. are looking to take us all the way there with the idea to put advanced AI in cars so that they can talk to you and even interpret your emotional state.

Tesla driver: Autopilot saved a pedestrian’s life

After some rough treatment in the media after a fatal crash and other hiccups involving Tesla’s semi-autonomous Autopilot technology, one Model S driver has written a letter revealing how the feature has likely saved more lives than it’s endangered.

What if our bodies evolved to survive car crashes?

Evolution is a tricky thing. While we’ve seen evidence of it at work, but the process is so long-term that there’s no way we’ll ever see it happen to ourselves at least not without a little artistic help.
