Are you carrying a mortgage, car loan, or planning a trip down south in the next year? If so, you should probably have been paying attention last week when the U.S. central bank raised interest rates
If you’re a homeowner in Ontario, chances are you made more money from the increase in the value of your home this year than you did from working your job
Ask a personal finance blogger about their favourite pastimes, and you’ll usually find saving money right at the top. That’s true for me. Or should I say, was true for me
What started out as an affordable way to use my free time turned into one of the most important parts of my life — and one of my biggest expenses. It’s led me to ask: is there a right amount of money to spend on keeping yourself healthy? Read on to find out
Canadians signing up for or refinancing a mortgage might soon find themselves paying more interest as rates at the big banks continue to move higher this year. TD is the latest to charge buyers more
If you’re shopping around for a home in Vancouver, you could be in for a bit of a discount. New data released by Teranet-National Bank shows home prices in the city have now fallen for two-straight months
Canadians are carrying more debt than they have ever held before, with Statistics Canada saying households in the country now owe nearly $1.67 for every one dollar of disposable income they make