5 Ways to Save Money in a Relationship

By: Martin Dasko on February 11, 2016

save money datingAn older friend once joked around about how if you want your pockets to jingle, you should stay single. However, once you fall in love it’s difficult to say no to that relationship. While being in a relationship can be costly, the trick is to not go broke just because you’re with someone now.

Being in a great relationship doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are ways you can save money as part of a better half:

1. Date someone with similar financial values

This can be tough because if you’re crazy about someone you don’t ask them about their credit score. You don’t care about their savings when going for dinner.

However, you need to watch out from the beginning. Pay attention to how this person treats money from the start. Do they eat out every meal? Do they work hard? What do they value? How do they talk about money? Are they always switching from credit card to credit card? Do they share an enthusiasm for investing?

Dating someone with the same financial values as you can save money in the long run – for you both.

2. Find entertainment on the cheap

This one is huge because anyone can have fun at a expensive restaurant or at a trendy night club. You need to find someone that you can have fun with just hanging out. I saw a friend go near broke because he couldn’t maintain the lifestyle that his girlfriend was trying to achieve. On the other hand, you don’t want to be the couple that never does anything fun.

The trick is to find entertainment on the cheap. Outdoor activities and sports are great choices. Additionally, you can enjoy hosting parties at home or taking up a hobby together. You don’t have to be boring to save money.

3. Share your priorities from the start

You don’t have to bring up your credit score on the first date, but you should let the person know what you’re all about. I let it all be known from the start. I’m not someone who wastes money. I have my priorities (traveling, training, and writing) and I’m not shy about sharing them with someone else immediately.

You can’t force someone to accept you. Don’t be afraid to show your true colours from the first. You might even want to try bringing a coupon to the first date if you have enough charm to pull it off. Being up front and honest will save money in a way you might not have imagined.

4. Save together for goals

I quickly learned that lecturing your girlfriend over her spending wasn’t going to go over well. So I decided to make saving money fun by creating goals. It was a lot easier for us to save money together when there was a specific goal. So we started off with a trip. Knowing we had to save $1,000 for the trip to Jamaica, helped us question every purchase we made and hold each other accountable.

Here’s a bonus tip: don’t nag or lecture your partner. No matter how right you think you are about the best way to save money.

5. Make frugality fun

One of my girlfriends was excellent at cooking. We had fun by finding deals on food and trying to see what we could create. I’m a simple man and I enjoy my chicken, but it was fun to see what dishes we (she) could come up with using only cheap, on-sale ingredients. There are plenty of other challenges you can set for yourself.

You don’t have to be miserable about saving money. Frugality can be fun. Especially when you’re with someone who doesn’t mind your thrifty side.