By: Gary Parkinson on January 24, 2013

Experts agree that housing is coming back across the US as homes have begun reclaiming some of the value they lost during the housing crash.  The recovery has returned value to homes of all size and style, but the most impressive turnaround has to be for what is arguably the country’s most famous dwelling – The White House.

By: Justin Leung on January 18, 2013

If you’re contemplating any big purchases this year, planning ahead can get you discounts on items that stores are slashing prices for because of the time of year.  The holiday season has everyone buying gifts for each other so take the time now to plan ahead for your household purchases.

By: Justin Leung on January 10, 2013

If you’ve committed to saving a few extra dollars in the New Year, you’ve probably considered bringing your lunch to work, cancelling any ongoing subscriptions you no longer need, or simply setting a concrete amount to put away for yourself.

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By: Gary Parkinson on January 3, 2013

Many of us choose to make New Year’s resolutions, often revolving around eating healthier, feeling happier, or being honest with what we want out of life.  Financial resolutions are just as important following an expensive holiday season, and are much easier to follow through with than we may think.

By: Justin Leung on December 31, 2012

2012 has been a rollercoaster ride and we’ve witnessed many things, including: the power of virality in Kony 2012, the discovery of the Higgs boson particle, (another) NHL lockout, Felix Baumgartner’s space jump, Obama’s reelection, and more.
