By: Gary Parkinson on March 21, 2013

March is most widely recognized for three events – March Break for students, the official start of spring for everyone else, and the recently passed St. Patrick’s Day.  But one other day is unrecognized by many people every year, and that day is March 11, also known as World Plumbing Day.  According to Canada’s favourite handyman, Mike Holmes, World Plumbing Day acknowledges the tradespeople who ensure homes have clean pipes.

By: Gary Parkinson on March 15, 2013

Easter long weekend is only a few weeks away, which means families will put all their eggs in one basket – or more, depending on the number of children in the home. Filling those Easter baskets with chocolate eggs and small toys can become very expensive, especially if your family is on a tight budget.

By: Gary Parkinson on March 13, 2013

If you end up struggling to maintain your finances, one of the reasons could be that you have an ineffective budget.  The concept of a budget seems simple – spend less money than you earn.  But the concept isn’t that easy for everyone, especially when sales and other incentives encourage you to spend.

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By: Gary Parkinson on March 8, 2013

It’s that time of year when students put the books aside in order to enjoy a little freedom through March break.  Although the week off varies depending on the school, now is the time of year to enjoy the end of winter or get an early start on warmer weather.

By: Justin Leung on March 1, 2013

Earlier this month, we launched our February giveaway, “My Lucky Valentine” and gave our site users the chance to win up to $300 with the submission of a mortgage, life insurance, or auto insurance inquiry form.  Yesterday marked the end of February and our contest and we are very excited to present to you our lucky winner!
